Coordinate, integrate, and respond: A NIMS discussion

The field of Incident Management is constantly evolving. New threats emerge. Technology changes. New strategies develop. The National Incident Management System (NIMS), being the national framework, evolves to reflect these new realties so that all incident personnel –from those on the front line to those in the front office–have the guidance, tools, and experience they need to successfully perform their incident responsibilities. Join us for Coordinate, Integrate, and Respond: A NIMS Discussion as two guest speakers from FEMA, NIC Director Dan Alexander and NIMS Implementation Project Lead Lucia Schmit, and moderator Richard Serino, former Deputy Administrator of FEMA, discuss recent changes updates to NIMS designed to:
- Help you optimize the performance your Emergency Operation Center
- Improve inter-agency coordination and mutual aid
- Expand NIMS guidance beyond traditional first responders
Attend Coordinate, Integrate, and Respond: A NIMS Discussion on September 20th at 2 PM Eastern.