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Discover insights from our 2025 Global Enterprise Resilience Report

Civil unrest         

Protect people in an emergency, gain actionable analysis and confidently navigate complex situations with Everbridge.

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Prepare and protect your organization from civil unrest

Common challenges during times of civil unrest 

Cyber Security

Real-time information dissemination 

  • Delays in receiving accurate updates 
  • Difficulty in reaching all stakeholders 
  • Ensuring timely and relevant notifications 
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Situational awareness 

  • Limited access to live footage 
  • Inadequate visibility of crowd movements 
  • Difficulty in assessing traffic conditions 

Effective coordination 

  • Ineffective communication channels  
  • Difficulty in resources allocation 
  • Ensuring personnel safety and facility security 

Prepare for civil unrest incidents with Everbridge 



  • Enhanced situational awareness: with real-time updates and 360-degree view via live data streams.
  • Streamlined communication: using multi-channel notifications, secure messaging and automated alerts. 
  • Efficient resource coordination to track and manage assets in real-time. 
  • Data-driven decision making: by accessing analytics and reporting, maintaining audit logs and identifying continuous areas for improvement through post-incident analysis. 
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  • Gain a competitive edge with up-to-the-minute data and insights, live CCTV feeds and traffic conditions. 
  • Access and share threat data with stakeholders. 
  • Combine data from multiple sources into one dashboard. 
  • Visualize crowd movements and congestion points. 
  • Activate crisis management plans for structured responses. 
  • Document and visualize damage in real-time. 
  • Generate reports from audit logs to identify lessons learned and areas for improvement. 
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Everbridge offers a comprehensive solution for managing civil unrest, crucial for state and local governments. The platform provides tools to publish alert notifications, share timely threat data, and situation reports. This enables key stakeholders to establish key decisions and notify employees or residents swiftly. By leveraging Everbridge, organizations can be better prepared for incidents, potentially saving lives and minimizing property damage during periods of civil unrest.  

How it works 

The Everbridge solution for civil unrest begins with intelligence and information sharing. Organizations can gain situational awareness through timely alerts and live footage, providing a common operating picture. The platform also facilitates operational coordination by enabling quick communication among stakeholders. Secure chat and conference bridges help stakeholders discuss objectives and coordinate responses.  

Everbridge For Civil Unrest
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Using the Everbridge solution leads to improved safety and operational efficiency during civil unrest. Authorities can assess and document resulting damages in real-time, offering stakeholders up-to-date information. Post-event, the platform’s reports and audit logs help evaluate emergency response performance, offering insights for improvement.  

Everbridge solution one2many helps the Dutch Ministry of Interior to innovate in public warning

With public safety at the top of any government’s agenda, the Dutch Ministry of Interior realized that a modern public warning system was essential for the safety of its citizens.  With one2many’s Cell Broadcast System, it found a solution that met all of its requirements. 

Man Texting On Phone

“Everbridge solution, one2many ticked all the boxes. Mobile phones come with Cell Broadcast capability and it is up to the owners to turn it on or off. This alleviates all privacy concerns. Moreover, by broadcasting messages to selected cells, we could achieve a level of flexibility not possible with any of the alternatives.”

Sector solutions for civil unrest


Events of civil unrest, such as political demonstrations and large gatherings, can lead to significant disruptions for organizations. Large crowds always have the potential to endanger life and property. Everbridge provides federal, state, and local governments with tools to help manage and respond to the threat of civil unrest, ensuring the safety of citizens and the continuity of essential services.

Crowd Civil Unrest

Public sector

Civil unrest is on the rise around the globe and is becoming an increasing concern for businesses and governments alike. As societal tensions mount and economic disparities widen, the frequency and intensity of demonstrations, protests, and riots have escalated. This growing trend underscores the critical need for effective strategies to manage and mitigate such events.


Higher education

In 2024, we’ve seen the most civil unrest on college campuses since the 1960s. Maintaining a stable and safe campus environment is crucial for the well-being of students and staff. Stable environments promote academic success, social harmony, and trust in institutional governance. Effective strategies to mitigate demonstrations and civil unrest are essential to preserving these conditions and ensuring the safety of campus communities.

School Security Guard
Phone Signal From A Person On A London Bridge.


What are the best ways to prepare for civil unrest?

Develop an emergency plan, including identifying safe locations and communication strategies. Secure properties and stay connected with local authorities.

Leverage real-time threat intelligence, improve communication with the public, and coordinate with local authorities. Proactively monitor social media and local events to anticipate issues. Employ mass notification systems like Everbridge to keep communities informed and safe, ensuring swift responses to emerging threats. 

What to do during civil unrest?

Prioritize employees’ safety by staying indoors and away from crowds. Keep communication lines open and regularly check news updates. If employees must travel, ensure that they avoid protest areas and that your organization has a plan for emergency evacuation. 

What to do after a civil unrest event?

After civil unrest event, conduct a detailed postmortem report to assess the response, identify gaps, and make recommendations for improvement. Additionally, follow up with impacted employees and staff to ensure their well-being and address any concerns. This comprehensive approach strengthens resilience and enhances future preparedness. 

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