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Active shooter preparedness

Keep your open campus closed to threat

active shooter preparedness

Be active shooter ready

Active shooter incidents have become increasingly common everywhere, within all types of settings where groups of people gather— on university campuses, in office parks, in hospitals, in retail stores, during community events, and more. Many attacks are carefully planned by the assailant, who typically chooses a target-rich environment. When these potentially large, vulnerable groups gather, the threat of an active shooter situation presents specific challenges because of their exposure to numerous access points.

An effective active shooter preparedness plan should include a range of activities and should encompass the entire lifecycle of the incident.

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Of active shooter attacks are over in under 5 minutes

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Of organizations name active shooters as a top threat

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Of organizations are not prepared for an active shooter attack

Everbridge solutions allow you to streamline procedures and improve outcomes throughout an active shooter event.

Active shooter notification and management

Everbridge can detect gunshots, confirm employee safety and automate intelligent lockdown procedures. You might not be able to prevent an active shooter from terrorizing your organization, but you can affect the outcome and get your people to safety.

  • Quickly and accurately identify gunshots and their potential impact
  • Instantly locate impacted individuals and recommend further assistance
  • Initiate facility lockdown and emergency response plans
  • Define incident zones
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Orchestrate a collaborative approach

In an incident as charged as an active shooter event, panic and fear may be reduced if the people you’re tasked with protecting have not only been educated on the responses and processes best designed to keep them safe, but also exposed to them. Everbridge helps you incorporate actions to take in the aftermath of an active shooter event as well. The impacts to an organization and its people after such an event can be long-lasting, so it’s important that your response plan account for the hours and days immediately after the incident, as well as longer term.

Orchestrate your entire active shooter response by:

  • Automating procedures
  • Equipping law enforcement with valuable insight of the situation
  • Engaging leadership with one touch conference calling
  • Empowering and instructing those at risk & those who can help
  • Facilitating communication feedback loops
  • Analyzing data after the incident for improvement planning

Active shooter notification systems for corporate & commercial enterprises, hospitals & healthcare systems, and schools & campuses

With Everbridge, staff have an instant way to call for help, leading to an improved response time and de-escalation of a situation. The platform provides a mobile panic button with two-way communication, location-detection capabilities, and communication abilities to ensure your people are always safe and a location is secure. Use the Everbridge app for check-ins, SOS, and more.

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  • Mobile Panic Button allows staff to request assistance in times of need
  • Enable ‘See Something…Say Something’ programs through two-way communication
  • Instantly notify staff and first responders of a potential incident
  • Automatically warn people entering an area with active events
  • Messaging templates are provided to execute emergency procedures and notify all impacted people of what is happening, and more importantly, what to do
  • Safety Status check-ins can be employed throughout the active shooter event alleviating concerns that help is not coming
  • Anonymous Tipping helps avert some issues of violence entirely by empowering anyone to speak up through the tipping app
  • Sending active shooter alerts through multiple delivery methods, such as phone, SMS, or desktop alerts make it possible to reach every person’s preferred communication channel
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Rackspace leverages Everbridge to ensure the safety and productivity of its 6,000-person global workforce

“An active shooter event locally, or an act of terrorism that could impact global travelers, or if it’s a weather-driven event or crisis, we feel confident that we can reach all of our employees in those situations and keep them out of harm’s way.”

Active shooter preparedness insights

Best practices and recommendations for 2023

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Rice University

Rice leverages Everbridge to foster a safer community

“We have a lot of foot traffic around our campus and for students to feel as though they have a safe journey across campus at night… we will be using that system.”

Related resources

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Active shooter preparedness: best practices and recommendations

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