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Insights from Amazon Logistics & Whole Foods Market on preparing for severe weather events

A wearable safety solution for immediate access to help during emergencies.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that in the United States, thousands of workplace injuries and fatalities occur each
year. Personal safety devices can play a crucial role in preventing or mitigating the impact of such incidents, and reduce the cost associated with these events.

Floods can wreak havoc on businesses, causing disruptions that extend far beyond the immediate event. Beyond the humanitarian concern for employee well-being, businesses must recognize the financial and operational risks associated with flood incidents.

Businesses need to do their best to prepare for hurricane season and ensure that they can keep their people safe and operations running. Boost your hurricane preparedness with these six steps.

The impacts of wildfires extend beyond immediate danger, affecting the continuity of operations, employee safety, and the
overall economic well-being of communities.

By investing in comprehensive earthquake preparedness, businesses can safeguard their assets, ensure the safety of their workforce, and maintain operational continuity.

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